We congratulate one of regulate’s doctoral researchers, Dženeta Hodžić, for receiving the 2nd prize of the THESys award for her Master thesis!
The prize is awarded by the Integrated Research Institute for the Transformation of Human-Environment-Systems (IRI THESys)/Humboldt University Berlin (HU Berlin) for excellent Bachelor and Master theses in the field of human-environmental research at HU Berlin. Our colleague Dženeta Hodžić, an alumna received one of two second prizes in the Masters category for her thesis ‘Tracing Renewable Energy in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Imaginaries of Europeanisation in Infrastructuring Processes of the Energy Sector’ (2020).
Since 2015, the IRI THESys has been awarding prizes for excellent Bachelor and Master theses in the field of human-environmental research. The THESys Award Ceremony takes place every winter semester and was held online as part of the Studium Oecologicum lecture series of the Sustainability Office (Nachhaltigkeitsbüro). On February 4th, 2021, the awarded Bachelor and Masters students gave a 10-15 minute talk about their prize winning thesis at the award ceremony, which was followed by a moderated discussion round with the students, organisers and presenters.
You can read the theses on the THESys Award page.